Thursday, 24 November 2016

Challange 4!

Hello again and welcome to my latest GWC blog.

For this challenge we were asked to read everyone else's blogs and reflect on common themes and what I've learned about there watersheds. 

One thing that really stood out to me was how much more developed and populated the watersheds of my fellow participants are.  The Lesser Slave Watershed is relatively undeveloped not even hosting a major city.  Where as the Greater Toronto Area Watershed and Pacific Coast watershed are both home to areas of dense population  and bustling urban centres.  Despite these differences I also noticed a lot of common themes. From a love and passion for water to concerns on quality and quantity even if the specific issues may change based on location the problems and worries seam to flow through all of our watersheds.

When I think about water in my future and the future of  water both in High Prairie and Canada as a whole I am hopful.  I feel like we are coming up to a turning point in which people are beginning to realize that water is a vital resource that we cannot keep taking for granted.   it can be easy to turn on the tap for a glass of water and not think about where thst water is coming from or how our activities can impact it.

In my mind everything we do is connected to water whether directly or indirectly.  To showcase this I've been taking photos of water as I encounter it throughout my vacation. The photos span from Northern Alberta south to Utah and capture moments where I was wowed by the power and beauty of water. Along with reminded of its vital importance to all of us. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaylyn! Sweet pictures of water. Looks like a fantastic trip. I agree and find it interesting that although watersheds can be very populated or not so populated, there are similar themes in terms of the issues faced. I look forward to reading more of your blog!
